
Omega-3s: What Are They and Why Should You Care?

Have you heard of omega-3s? Probably. Today you see them everywhere on all kinds of food products advertising 'rich in omega-3s'. What are omega-3s anyway, and do you really need them? The answer to the second part of that question is, ABOLUTELY. But why do we hear about omega-3s all the time? The answer to that is because most people today don't get enough. Before I get into why that is, let's look at what they do.

Omega-3s are one type of polyunsaturated fat that are called 'essential fatty acids' that you must get from your diet or supplements because your body can not make them. Another type of essential fats are the omega-6s. What is very important is the ratio that you get between omega-3s and omega-6s. You really need to be eating these in about the same amounts for your body to function optimally.

This is because these two types of fats have opposing functions and compete with each other in many physiological processes. For example omega-6s lead to inflammatory reactions, needed to turn your immune system into high gear when it detects and infection and omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, needed to turn the immune response off when it's done. So these are kind of like the yin and yang of your physiology and must be kept in balance.

Unfortunately, today's western diet has about 15 to 30 times more omega-6s in it than omega-3s. This means that inflammatory processes can get out of check and this can aid the development of many different chronic degenerative diseases, like cardiovascular heart disease and some types of cancer. Many studies have also found that a deficiency in omega-3s can contribute to depression.

So why are our diets so out of whack when it comes to the omega-3 to omega-6 balance? It's really only been over the past 50 years or so that this has become a serious problem. We have simply stopped eating many of the foods that are high in omega-3s, like fatty fish and some nuts and started eating more foods high in omega-6s like corn oil. In fact many of the processed foods that we eat are extremely high in omega-6s and lacking omega-3s.

Many researchers, including me, believe that this is an underlying factor in the increased rates of several chronic degenerative diseases that we see so prevalent today. This is why foods that are high in omega-3s advertise it. The manufacturers know that we are lacking in them and that we need to eat more omega-3 rich foods.

There are really two kinds of omega-3s that are useful to the body. One kind you can get from plants, especially flaxseed oil and walnuts, and the other kind you can get from animals, especially fish (mackerel is the highest). You can also get either of these from supplements, usually a fish oil extract capsule.

The one thing that you need to monitor when getting your omega-3s from fish or fish oil capsules is the amount of heavy metal contamination (like mercury) that you are also ingesting. Various studies have shown different safe levels of fish and some types of fish are higher in mercury than others. There are many good articles out there that you can read on this subject. When it comes to fish oil capsules you need to make sure that the manufacturer uses a purification process that guarantees removal of heavy metals. Don't just take cheap fish oil capsules without doing some homework on this.

So that's the bottom line on omega-3s. Yes, they are extremely important and you should be proactive at trying to get more of them. If you just go with the flow in western society you will likely get way too much of the inflammatory omega-6s and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3s and that can cause problems if left unchecked for long periods of time.

Copyright 2006 Genesan3

Omega-3s: What Are They and Why Should You Care?

Omega 3 Benefits and Best Omega 3 Sources

Omega 3 benefits are wide-ranging and proven by clinical studies. Understanding the best Omega 3 sources means you can include more of these healthy foods in your daily meal planning. From heart health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health.

What are Omega 3's and what are the best Omega 3 sources? The Omega 3 essesential fatty acids (EFA's) are polyunsaturated fats or the so-called "good fats". These desirable fats cannot be made by the human body, so they must be obtained from foods or supplemental sources. These fats are required for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerve tissue in humans. Clinical studies show that Omega 3 benefits come primarily from DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

The best Omega 3 sources are animal foods, not plant sources. For example, flaxseed is a source, but the body must convert the flax oil Omega 3 into DHA and EPA. This can be difficult for unhealthy or elderly persons. Three of the top Omega 3 sources are cold-water fish oil, grass-fed red meat and natural eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements.

Here are Omega 3 benefits proven by clinical studies:

1. Improves Heart Health - fish oil and Omega 3 benefits include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart-related sudden death and lowering unhealthy triglyceride levels. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish a week for healthy persons and one serving per day of fish or fish oil supplement containing at least 900mg of fish oil for persons with heart disease.

2. Improves Mood - persons suffering from mood disorders such as depression benefit from fish oil supplementation and Omega 3. The lack of omega 3 fatty acids (DHA) has been linked by researchers to depression.

3. Reduces Risk of Developing Altzheimer's Disease - clinical studies suggest that fish oil and DHA may protect the nervous system in humans.

4. Improves Memory and Brain Function - DHA and fish oil have been proven to stimulate memory and the ability to learn. Research has shown that mothers who take supplemental DHA during their pregnancy and lactation may increase their baby's IQ.

5. Reduces Allergies - fish oil protects against the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, asthma, certain food allergies and allergic skin conditions like hives and eczema.

6. Reduces Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms - Omega 3 benefits come from the EPA and DHA in fish oil that reduce the amount of compounds causing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis.

7. Improves Eye Health - consuming fish oil is related to lowered risk of developing age related macular degeneration, an increasing common eye disease in people over 50.

8. Reduces PMS Symptoms in Women - Omega 3 is converted into substances called 'prostaglandins type-3' that control contractions of the uterus, which cause the cramping.

9. Improves Skin and Hair Health - fish oil helps protect the skin against damage from UV exposure, and skin disorders such as psoriasis can consider fish oil supplenentation a treatment option.

10. Lowers Cancer Risk - studies on Omega 3 benefits have linked lowered risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer to the consumption of fish oil.

Besides adding cold-water fish to meal planning, an easy way to enjoy Omega 3 benefits is by adding fish oil supplementation to your diet. Protect yourself from health problems related to the lack of the essential fatty acids DHA and EFA. The best of the Omega 3 sources is high-quality fish oil. However, it must be pure and totally free from contaminants. Read as much as you can about even more fish oil benefits that provide an amazing array of health benefits.

Copyright 2005 Infosearch Publishing

Omega 3 Benefits and Best Omega 3 Sources

Truth About Omega 3

Since Dr Basant Puri, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, released his findings on Omega 3 and its effect on brain function and depression, many studies have been performed regarding the beneficial effects of this fatty acid. Studies over the past two years have consistently confirmed that Omega 3, a substance lacking in today's "diet" is a key component in the brain's development and proper functioning.

The notion that Omega 3 was linked to depression and other mental illnesses came about based on studies conducted at Harvard University in 1999 on people with bipolar and a 1996 study by the Journal of the American Medical Association studying the prevalence of depression across ten countries. The Harvard study found that fish oil was an effective treatment for bipolar. The study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association was expanded upon in 1998 when it was discovered that depression was lower in countries that consumed higher levels of fish.

Omega 3 As Part Of A Healthy Diet

Omega 3 is a substance found most commonly in fatty fish such as fresh salmon, tuna, mackerel, pilchards and sardines. Over the last 100 years the western diet has shifted radically to include far less fish and thus the Omega 3 fatty acid. During the same time depression is estimated to have increased up to 100 fold.

To maintain ideal health, the average person should consume five grams daily of essential fatty acids (divided between Omega 3 and Omega 6). As this is not likely to change at any point in the near future some recommendations have been laid out for those who choose to take Omega 3 supplements. These recommendations will be listed further below in the section titled, "Omega 3 Supplements".

Omega 3 And The Brain

While the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids can be noticed on many levels, the biggest breakthroughs documented have occurred in improved mental functions and health. Omega 3 has been reported to be effective in the treatment of depression. Numerous studies have indicated that during double-blind tests, patients suffering from depression who take Omega 3 over a placebo report significant benefits.

Similar results have been reported in the treatment of bipolar and schizophrenia. There are theories that Omega 3 could be used to treat other mental conditions such as attention deficit disorder, borderline personality disorder, dyslexia and cognitive impairment however at the time of this writing these beliefs are unsubstantiated by anything more than preliminary data.

Omega 3 And The Body

The main reported benefits of Omega 3 for the body occur in the heart. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice per week in order to reduce the likelihood of heart disease.

While research is still ongoing into the effects of these fatty acids on the heart, research to date has shown that they:

o decrease risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death

o decrease triglyceride levels

o decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque

o lower blood pressure (slightly)

Additionally, Omega 3 has been reported effective as an anti-inflammatory. And according to an article by Judith Horstman for Arthritis Today, "There's strong evidence that fish oil supplements with omega-3 fatty acids can ease rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms, help prevent Raynaud's syndrome spasms and possibly relieve some lupus symptoms.

There is some limited evidence that the reduction in Omega 3 in the average western diet can be a contributing factor to the rise in:

o asthma

o chronic fatigue syndrome

o cystic fibrosis

o osteoporosis

o prostate cancer

Omega 3 Supplements

Any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you that the best way to get any nutrient is to go right to the source and eat it through the foods they originate. In the case of Omega 3 this would most likely be in the form of fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil. That said, this is not always possible given the average westerner's diet and lifestyle. Additionally, for those suffering from sever depression or using Omega 3 to combat an existing condition, the amount contained in the foods we eat may not provide enough of this fatty acid. If this is the case then it is important to know what you are looking for.

The supplement should be high in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA, along with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two active ingredients in Omega 3. EPA is considered to be the therapeutic element. It is thus important to purchase a supplement higher in EPA than DHA.

Additional Notes

Due to the recent developments and study of Omega 3 and all of its potential health benefits, the majority of studies and information on it are preliminary and based on smaller test groups. Additional research is underway and should provide additional insight into how it works and exactly what its role is in the brain's functioning and development.

Currently additional studies are ongoing into the roll of Omega 3 in brain and nerve regeneration, depression, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, neck and back pain, stress and an assortment of other mental and physical conditions.

Truth About Omega 3

Omega 3-6-9 Supplement - A Guide

The world is pretty confusing. Some experts are saying you need a particular omega family in your diet, others are saying that it's dangerous.

People are arguing over which fatty acids are better and what the best sources of omega 3 are. This article attempts to answer question as to whether or not you need an omega 3-6-9 supplement.


There is little to deny here. 90% of the population are deficient in omega-3, despite it being very important to our health.

DHA, an acid in omega-3, makes up 30% of our brain and contributes to its overall growth, development and function. Omega-3 also helps to reduce excess inflammation. So therefore we do need omega 3.


The fact of the matter is that we tend to get too much omega-6 in our diet. This is due to the kinds of processed, meaty food we eat.

We do need more omega-6 than omega-3, but we have too much more. This results in excess inflammation as omega-6 and omega-3 control inflammation together.


There is no problem with us getting omega-9s in our diet; they are plentiful. This is why omega-9 fatty acids are not considered to be "essential."

Our own body can produce omega-9 from unsaturated fat, so we do not need to supply it like we do with omega-3 and omega-6.


Our diet's present a problem to us. We are consuming way too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3.

This results in many inflammatory conditions like heart disease, cancers, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma and eczema. But to avoid these, should you use an omega 3-6-9 supplement?

My solution

Technically, yes. You can use an omega-3 supplement (these have traces of omega-6 and omega-9) which are rich in DHA and EPA.

This will restore the balance between omega-3 and omega-9 and prevent and ease inflammation problems.

So on a technicality you will use an omega 3-6-9 supplement, but really it is just an omega-3 supplement.

Omega 3-6-9 Supplement - A Guide

Christ Church and Heritage Center - Jerusalem

Visitors entering Christ Church expecting to see splendid representations of the evangelists and flamboyant illustrations of the Crucifixion are bound to be disappointed. Outwardly resembling a grand European synagogue more than a Christian house of worship, Christ Church was built from 1842-1849 by the London Society for the Promotion of Jews to Christianity for the specific purpose of drawing Jews into the Christian fold. Before that time simple proselytizing - and the promise of financial gain - had resulted in very few Jewish conversions, if any; the Protestant Bishopric in Jerusalem hoped that an attractive, accessible church might facilitate the cause.

It wasn't easy to build a new church in Jerusalem during the 1840's. The Turks allowed existing churches to operate but didn't permit new construction. Thus it was necessary to employ a stratagem: Christ Church was billed as a chapel for the British consul, and the sanctuary was annexed to his residence. Living quarters for the clergy were constructed around the courtyard.

At first, because the Moslems did not permit Christian use of a bell to call parishioners to worship, the church didn't even have a belfry. However after the Crimean War (1853-1856) had left the Turks in debt to the English, the London Society added a modest bell tower and dared to ring the bell for worship. Christ Church had the first bell - and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher followed suit. Soon bells began to ring at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Jerusalem's Russian Compound, and from that time on they could be heard all over Jerusalem.

Despite a typically Protestant lack of embellishment, Christ Church is a beautiful sanctuary. The design combines a touch of English beauty (rich, dark, wooden ceilings and tables) with Middle Eastern stone walls and medieval vaulted arches. While all of the original oak pews were removed to make room for more easily maneuverable wooden chairs, a few can be found along the sides of the church.

The church's only real decorations are a brilliantly colored tapestry and a stunning trio of stained-glass windows which face the entrance. Installed when the church was expanded in 1910, the middle window represents the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The words are in Hebrew and the dominant figure is either a tree or a vine which only vaguely looks like a cross.

Until 1996, the side windows held only plain glass panes and the result was rather flat. Since the addition of two splendid stained-glass windows in 1996, the church's apse has taken on a new look. All three windows are replete with symbols and biblical quotes from the Old and New Testaments. Each side window includes a play of branches. Interestingly, on one side the branches end in a Jewish menorah and on the other, in a cross.

There is one more stained-glass window in the church. You see it as you leave, towering above the entrance. Colorful and elaborate, it features a Star of David.

An unusual wooden screen covers most of the wall behind the communion table. Designed to remind onlookers of the Holy Ark which, in synagogues, contains the Five Books of Moses, it is divided into four panels. The Ten Commandments (in Hebrew) are written in the two middle panels; on either side are the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed - both in Hebrew script.

The communion table located near the middle of the church is even more unique. It is divided into three parts. On the left is the IHS, an ancient Christian symbol. In the middle, a crown tops the Star of David. The name Immanuel next to the symbol refers to the biblical phrase: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). The third symbol is an artistically worked Alpha and Omega: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelations 22:13).

Today there is one cross in the church, on the main table. It appeared in 1948, when the Old City of Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan. Worried that the new Arab rulers might mistake this sanctuary for a synagogue, they placed a cross on the table, and it remains there to this very day.

Across the path from the church stands a spanking new Heritage Center. Inside, the history of Christian Zionism in Jerusalem is displayed through historic documents and artifacts, medieval bibles, and contemporary models of the city. It also features a multi-colored 1864 depiction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with removable domes, and examine a model of the 19th-century Protestant Quarter. An added attraction: steps descend down into a 2,000-year-old water reservoir that leads to an ancient tunnel.

Christ Church and Heritage Center - Jerusalem

From Goldeneye to Casino Royale the Omega James Bond Watch is a Modern Classic

The Omega James Bond watch is really two different Omega Seamaster models depending upon which Bond you prefer. In 1995 Pierce Brosnan brought the Omega Seamaster to wrist of Bond in the movie Goldeneye. In 2006 Daniel Craig became the new James Bond in Casino Royale with a new Omega Seamaster on his wrist. For those true Bond enthusiasts, only the Omega James Bond watch will suffice.

Almost everyone has heard the phrase, "Bond, James Bond" along with the famous, "shaken, not stirred." And who hasn't enjoyed at least one of the Bond blockbuster movies throughout the decades? It seems that everyone has their opinion of which actor played the Bond character best. Some enjoyed Sean Connery as the ultimate, yet others prefer Roger Moore's bond. Timothy Dalton took the Bond moniker for a short while and then Pierce Brosnan led James Bond into the new millennium. Finally, Daniel Craig has taken the reigns as the new Bond.

Each actor brought his own style and charm to the Bond character, but for the majority of his years, Bond wore a Submariner. For thirty years, from the mid-sixties to the mid-nineties, Bond wore a Submariner watch, designed by another famous watch manufacturer. Not until 1995, with a new Bond actor in place, did the Omega James Bond watch enter the scene.

In 1995 Pierce Brosnan's Bond exploded onto movie theater screens sporting a mew, modern and elegant timepiece: the Omega Mens Seamaster 300M. With modern styling featuring stainless steel, a blue dialface instead of the more classic color choice of black, the new Omega James Bond watch proved that Brosnan's Bond character was stylish as well as classic.

The new Omega Seamaster watch was prominently featured in the movie Goldeneye, with a few brief moments in the beginning of the movie focused upon the change from the old Submariner to the new Omega Seamaster James Bond limited edition watch. Additionally, there were several TV commercials filmed to promote the new movie as well as the new Omega Seamaster watch. To top it off, Goldeneye was released as a brand new video game for the Nintendo 64 game system, and the Omega James Bond watch is featured as a main part of the game.

Until this point in fashion history, the popular Submariner had earned the title as the world's most famous and sought after timepiece. But with the new Omega James Bond watch being featured in a famous movie, video game, TV commercials and print ads, the days of the Submariner's supremecy as the most famous watch were coming to an end. Today, any Bond fan will tell you that you simply must own an Omega Seamaster 300M if you are at all serious as a Bond fan.

Omega has since become one of the most popular watch brands in the world. This is partly because the Omega Seamaster and the Omega Speedmaster are suberbly manufactured timepieces, and partly because of so many famous celebrities wearing the Omega watches in public.

From world famous actress Nicole Kidman, to world-renowned Olympic athlete Michael Phelps, the Omega watch is well represented. Famous astronaut Buzz Aldrin and United States President John F. Kennedy were both well known for wearing their favorite Omega watch in public. With the release of Goldeneye in 1995, the Omega James Bond watch established Omega watches as the world's premier timepiece.

However, in 2006 with the release of another blockbuster Bond movie and a new, younger, more muscular actor at the helm in Daniel Craig, Omega offered a style change for Mr. Bond. This time, the Omega James Bond watch would be an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M.

The Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M returns Mr. Bond to a classic black-face dial with stainless steel case material all around. The Omega Seamaster is much more similar to the Submariner in many aspects such as the classic, conservative styling. Some Bond fans would argue that the ultimate Bond character is not complete without his Omega Seamaster watch and his trusty Walther PPK pistol - the two essential gadgets of any Bond movie.

No matter which Bond actor or movie you prefer, and whether your prefer the Omega Seamaster 300M or the Omega Planet Ocean 600M, there's no denying that the Omega James Bond watch is certainly an elegant, stylish timepiece to be treasured and enjoyed for decades.

From Goldeneye to Casino Royale the Omega James Bond Watch is a Modern Classic

Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Are Important For Health

Omega 3 oils have been called "the miracle food of the 21st century". Many health professionals and health organizations, including the American Heart Association, agree that there are many nutritional health benefits that can be gained by taking Omega 3 fats. Numerous research studies have shown that omega 3 oils can help prevent heart disease, maintain optimum blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and provide relief for joint pain, migraines, depression, autoimmune diseases and other conditions.

Omega 3 fats are polyunsaturated fats that contain essential nutrients for our bodies. Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by our bodies and therefore must be obtained through our diet in either our food or by taking supplements. There are many different kinds of omega 3 fats, but the most important ones are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Flax seed and walnuts are excellent sources for ALA. Fish

oils are an excellent source for EPA and DHA.

Nutritionists have recognized the importance of balancing omega 3 fatty acids with omega 6 fatty acids in our diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are found primarily in oily cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. Omega 6 fatty acids are found primarily in rich foods such as margarine, cereals, whole-grain bread, baked goods and fried foods. Most people in the Western part of the world consume far more omega 6 fatty acids and the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is way out of balance. According to Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, there is mounting evidence proving that people with a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio have a 95% higher risk of developing colon cancer. This study took place in Shanghai China with 73,240 participants.

To improve our health we need to increase our omega 3 fatty acids and decrease our omega 6 fatty acids. We can increase our omega 3 fatty acids by eating more wild-caught salmon, albacore tuna, walnuts, flax seed and avocados. One of the drawbacks for eating fish is that they contain increasingly high levels of pollutants such as PCB's, lead and mercury. This condition exists because of industrial pollution which has accumulated in the streams, rivers and oceans around the world. Because most of the fish today is contaminated, it is probably better to increase your intake of fish oils by taking supplements. We can decrease our omega 6 fatty acids by eating less rich foods such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, processed foods and fast foods.

Benefits of Omega 3 fish oils

1. According to the American Heart Association, clinical trials have proven that omega 3 fish oils are effective in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks

and heart arrhythmias. Omega 3 fish oil lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Fish oils also help reduce the risk of blood clots in our arteries and improves blood circulation.

2. Recent studies have shown that taking Omega 3 supplements have resulted in improvement in brain functions including memory and thinking ability. Promising results are also being seen in lowering the risk of age related brain dysfunction like Alzheimer's and dementia. In addition, studies suggest a strong link between Omega 3 intake and lower levels of some mood disorders, particularly depression and bipolar disorders.

3. Omega 3 fish oils have anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in reducing inflammation in our blood and tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil supplements is helpful to those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.

4. Fish oils have been found to be beneficial for pregnant women because the DHA in the

fish oils helps in the development of the eyes and brain of the baby. It helps in avoiding premature births, low birth weights and miscarriages.

5. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high levels of triglycerides in the blood and lower levels of good cholesterol. Because Omega 3 fish oil lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) it reduces the risks associated with diabetes. The risks of death by heart attack for diabetes sufferers are around 6 times higher than they are for the general population.

6. Macular degeneration is an age related condition that can lead to total blindness in older age. To date there is no treatment for this condition. Recent studies have shown that omega

3 fish oils reduced the risk of macular degeneration in the aged.

7. Omega 3 fish oils help in improving the condition of poor and dry skin by making it shinny and glowing. Our skin tends to lose natural oils all of the time and fish oil supplements help replace these natural oils and improves the appearance of the skin. Many skin conditions can be helped by taking Omega 3 supplements including eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry skin and flaking skin.

8. Fish oil helps maintain good hair luster. Omega 3 has hair growing properties that provide nourishment to the hair follicles. It therefore aids in faster development of hair and helps prevent hair loss.

Given all of these impressive health benefits I find it hard to believe why one would not take omega 3 fish oils. So the first question is what is the best brand? After doing extensive research on different brands, I found that Nordic Naturals was the highest quality omega 3 fish oil on the market. This brand was recommended by several doctors and two different consumer reports agencies performed a series of tests on different fish oil brands and found that Nordic Naturals had the highest scores. The second question is how much omega 3 fish oil do I need to take? For safety purposes, the FDA recommends no more than 3 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. I use Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega product which contains significantly more EPA and DHA per capsule. For this particular product you only need to take 2 capsules per day.

Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Are Important For Health

Longines 120th Anniversary Retrograde Watch

Longines 120th anniversary Retrograde watch, as the name suggests, is part of the Longines' celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Longines logo. And the 120 anniversary Retrograde is limited to 120 pieces with each individually numbered.

Judging from appearance, this Longines 120 anniversary Retrograde watch (hereinafter refers to as Longines 120) is part of the master collection as it has many in common with the Longines L2.716.8.78.3 and L2.717.8.78.3(hereinafter refer to as L2 watches) -the latest models in this well-received collection. They have the same case structure and the same layout of the dial. But still there are some differences: Longines 120 has Roman numerals and beautiful smooth dial(while L2 watches feature Arabic numerals and "barleycorn" pattern on the dial, ), and has the winged hourglass, part of Longines trademark, removed from the dial and engraved in the case back, leaving the name of Longines there. When it comes to the case back, Longines 120 has other elegant engravings to show the theme of this watch, while L2 watches sapphire crystal display case back.

Thanks to the highly complex automatic movement that features 28,800 vph frequency and 46-hour pour reserve, the dial has three retrograde hands that indicate day at 12, date on the right side and 24 hour second time zone at left hand. Besides, the dial displays central hours, minutes and power reserve indicator at 6 o'clock.

Sized at 44mm, the rose gold case receives refined finished and is fitted with scratch-resistant sapphire crystal and an alligator strap with triple deployment clasp. Longines 120 is water resistant to 30 meters.

Longines 120th Anniversary Retrograde Watch

Why Fine Watches Are Better Than Smart Phones

With the rise of iPhones, iPads, Blackberries, laptop computers and other electronic devices, some people are predicting that fine watches will fall out of fashion. Sure, your iPhone phone can tell you the time, and also allow you to surf the web, listen to music, check your email and take phones, but does it also look amazing on your wrist and allow you to check the time instantly without pressing a button or fumbling around in your pocket? Luxury watches can do things than electronic devices can't. Here are four reasons why fine watches are better than iPhones when you need to know the time.

1. Watches look good - It's no secret that fine watches are a fashion statement, just like a dress, a pair of shoes, a necklace or a tie. Fine watches can complement any outfit - if you're off to the opera, a Philip Stein watch paired with your long black dress will look sophisticated and stylish. If you're off to a picnic, a Quartz watch paired with your short shorts and stripy tank and Birkenstocks is cool and casual. You can't exactly strap your smart phone to your wrist and make it look good, can you?

2. Watches save you time - Ok, so maybe it's true that you can check the time on your smart phone by just pressing a button to light up your screen. But how many times have you had to fumble around in the scary depths of your purse or turned your apartment upside down searching for your iPhone? The great thing about the humble watch is that it's always there when you need it; you can tell the time in an instant, which is perfect for when you're on the run, at work, or pushing your cart around in the grocery store.

3. Watches are practical - Sporty watches are equipped with advanced systems like stopwatch functions, heart rate monitors and altitude gauges, so they're a must for any serious hiker, runner, cyclist, athlete or outdoorsy person. Let's face it, when you're running or cycling, it's a bit impractical to whip out your smart phone when you want to check your speed. You want don't want to waste precious energy! And you can't exactly take your iPhone under water when you're swimming or snorkeling. When you're exercising or training, a watch remains the best way to tell the time.

4. Watches are historical - Yes, smart phone technology is making history: ten years ago, most of us wouldn't have dreamed of writing emails while sitting in the cab or on a train. But fine watches have a much longer history, so when you wear a watch, you're flaunting a centuries-old invention. The first timepieces to be worn date back to 16th century Europe, and they were usually worn on a chain around the neck. Fine watches have come a long way since then, but their beauty, elegance and sheer practicality remains.

Why Fine Watches Are Better Than Smart Phones

Diamond Watch Auction - Why Buy Diamond Watches From Online Auctions

A Diamond is forever and a diamond watch is for a lifetime! A diamond watch is not just a luxury timepiece but is a perfect statement of style, value and sentiment. There was a time when you had to look for a diamond watch and affordability was an important question but things have changed considerably today.

With the advent of the internet, finding a diamond watches is easier and buying one is affordable. The internet has opened different avenues for e-commerce, which brings up the much debated significance of online auctions. Online auction is one of the most effective ways of selling rare jewelry, watches and other items. The underlying significance of an online auction is that it makes it easier for people to find rare and expensive items in a wider range and at an affordable price.

The entire concept behind a jewelry auction is to promote jewelry but the bigger picture boils down to just one thing: you have a higher chance of getting the watch or jewelry you have desired for a long time at your price. The main aim of an online watch auction is to bring to you authenticated timepieces from different brands globally to one place. So an online auction becomes a one stop shop. At an online auction, you will find some of the most exquisite timepieces with intricate designs, studded with diamonds finding which at a watch store might be difficult.

Some of the brands with their top of the line diamond watches or other jewelry watches are made available through an online action. Some of the brands that you will see occasionally at a watch auction include Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Longines, Breitling, Movado, Baume & Mercier, Bulova, Ebel, Omega, Hublot, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Maurice Lacroix, Bulgari, and Girard-Perregaux. These are not just top brands but have been timekeepers for more than a couple of decades.

You may have your eyes on a specific model by Jaeger-LeCoultre or Movado and it is probably unavailable at the numerous watch stores across your state or area. But you want the watch, so what are your options? The best option is a watch auction where you have a higher probability of finding your chosen watch model. A watch auction is an evolved market place where you can bid on a single watch or numerous watches and get to buy them for a price tag, which would otherwise be impossible to get at a local watch store. This is the single biggest advantage of a diamond watch auction.

At an online auction, you can find a Benny & Co men's diamond watch with a price tag of $6400 for just half the price and hence auctions are the perfect statement for affordability. If you have been dreaming about a specific 2.6 ct., white and yellow diamond studded chronograph watch with ice dial and leather strap then you don't have to look too far!

Diamond Watch Auction - Why Buy Diamond Watches From Online Auctions

Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch - The Token of Excellent Taste

As a splendid infusion of the 1930's orderly lines and the 1950's sportful, spectacular style, the DolceVita collection of watches are alluring to women of all age groups. The timeless design is deeply endorsed by 1950s stars all the way to today's celebrities. La DolceVita truly does embody the spirits behind the design of the watch by Longines.

The rectangular shaped case is embellished with glittering diamonds, while the octagonal shaped crown is known for its unique feature. A large portion of the watches in the DolceVita collection consist of a quartz movement, either the L178 or L963, each with an accuracy of -18/+18 sec./month. The L178 movement is adorned by 11 jewels and is powered by a battery life of 18/29 months, while the L963 comes with only 5 jewels yet a battery life of 29 months. In addition, some watches from the Longines DolceVita collection are powered by self-winding mechanical movements, which inherits the brand's past experience of manufacturing watches by hand.

The watch face is available in different variations, including a straightforward black face with Arabic numerals placed at 12 o'clock, a white dial with graceful hour markers, a pink mother of pearl face, etc.

The stainless steel case is quite prevalent in the Longines DolceVita watch apart from one model that comes with gold case and gold strap. Each watch comes with scratch resistant abilities and water resistant abilities to more than 30 meters. The Longines DolceVita is a great selection for those women who desire watches characterized both by sleek modern lines and classic styles.

Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch - The Token of Excellent Taste

The Classic Elegance of the Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch

The Longines DolceVita wristwatch is a truly elegant ladies wristwatch, designed along class lines, thereby giving it a timeless beauty. The DolceVita ladies watch is for those who desire the best that Swiss manufacturing techniques and design but at an affordable price.

The DolceVita collection of watches by Longines is inspired by the neat, trim lines of the 1930s with the heady, glamorous style of the 1950s. The design of the DolceVita wristwatch is a stylish synthesis of the two forms into a beautiful ladies watch. The style of the ladies DolceVita by Longines is timeless; a timepiece that could have been worn by 1950s film stars through to today's screen idols. La Dolce Vita - the Sweet Life - certainly does sum up the ethos behind the design of the DolceVita ladies watch by Longines.

The casing of the Longines DolceVita is of a rectangular shape. Nearly all the casings in the DolceVita collection are adorned with diamonds. The octagonal shaped crown adds distinction. Most comprise a quartz movement, either the L178 or L963 from Longines both of which have an accuracy of -18/+18 sec./month. The L178 movement has 11 jewels and a battery life of 18/29 months: the L963 has 5 jewels and a batter life of 29 months. However, Longines hasn't forgotten its past of hand manufactured watches and so a number of Longines DolceVita cases house a fine self-winding mechanical movement - providing the time of day and the date

There is a choice of faces in the DolceVita collection. You can choose a simple black face with Arab numerals positioned at 12 o'clock or positioned on every quarter hour. Or, you choose a white dial with very elegant hour markers. There is also a DolceVita with a pink mother-of-pearl face. Each watch in the Longines Dolce Vita comes with subdial for the seconds at 6 o'clock position.

The case of the Longines DolceVita watch is stainless - although one model does offer a gold case with matching gold strap. All watches come with scratch-resistant, sapphire crystal and are water resistant to a depth of 30 meters.

The strap of the DolceVita is either a linked stainless steel strap or a lacquered leather strap in black or white - the white strap combined with the simple white face and diamond adorned stainless steel case is particular feminine.

For those who want a Swiss ladies watch that combines sleek contemporary lines with a timeless glamour, the Longines DolceVita is a perfect choice. This watch is definitely for those who appreciate Swiss quality wristwatches that are sophisticated and urbane.

The Classic Elegance of the Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch

Longines - A History With Distinction

Based in Saint-Imier since 1832, Longines has a long and prestigious history. The story begins with Auguste Agassiz getting a job in Saint-Imier as a trader of watch parts. At that time it was common practice for blank components to be sent out to craftsmen who worked at home. He eventually took over the business, but it wasn't until his entrepreneur nephew Ernest Francillon joined the company that Longines really started. Ernest's big idea was to gather the makers of all these components together under one roof, and so in 1866 he purchased land at Les Longines, or 'long and narrow fields' in the local dialect. By 1867 he had convinced an assortment of piecemakers to work in the new factory, and their first in house movement was produced, along with the Longines name, and winged hourglass logo to defend against counterfeits. This logo would be registered as a trademark in 1880, the oldest watch brand logo in existence.

From the start the Longines brand received commendations and awards, Francillon returning from the Paris World Fair in 1867 with a bronze medallion for the watch. Right until 1929, Longines could claim the title 'Leading Prize Winner' at the World fairs, and their premises were continually being upgraded to allow better facilities. By 1911 the company employed over 1100 people, and was selling its watches worldwide.

The company gradually built up a close relationship with sporting events, and timed the Olympic Games fourteen times. They also built strong connections with skiing and equestrian events, as these best reflected their company motto: 'Elegance is an attitude'. They have timed 31 Tours de France, over a hundred Show Jumping competitions in Europe and North America, and is the official Timekeeper at the Roland Garros Tennis grand Slam Tournament,.

But Longines isn't a sports watch brand. The company have also provided watches to the International Aeronautics Federation, becoming their official supplier in 1919. Charles Lindbergh set off on his first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic with a Longines on board, timing the crossing at 33hours and 30 minutes. Longines watches were also worn by Amelia Earhart, and in the 1930s it was Longines who patented the Flyback Chronograph.

Because of their early expansion, Longines watches have been widely sold, with the company producing their 30millionth watch in 2001. Of course, with 30 million Longines out there, there's no reason you should miss out. Watchfinder has a wide variety of pre owned Longines watches on its site for very reasonable prices, and the company has never compromised its motto. All Longines are an example of elegance, be they classical or contemporary in their design.

One of the latest Longines watches has a more classical look, and although it is a chronograph, the new Column Wheel Chronograph follows their motto to the letter. With a stainless steel case and black crocodile strap, it is elegant and sophisticated; a watch for the Longines connoisseur.

Longines - A History With Distinction

Longines Watches - The Insignia of Timeless Elegance

Elegance. The one word that sums up the essence of Longines watches. Every watch from this brand is a piece of art that reflects tradition, precision and class. Across the world people of 130 countries cherish this luxury watch brand whose emblem is the winged hourglass.

You'll be spoilt with choices while shopping for Longines watches. It has a mesmerizing collection both in the designer men's watch category as well as women's watches. Here's a little advice if you want to buy one. Start with the Heritage collection which the brand has created due to its rich watchmaking heritage. The Elégantes de Longines line is inspired by the Art Deco movement of the 1920s and 1930s; the Présence Heritage series has the classic pocket watch designs adapted into wristwatches. The Conquest Heritage, Silver Arrow and Flagship Heritage lines celebrate the golden age of traditional mechanical wristwatches. Each heritage watch is designed aesthetically with round metal dials mounted on leather or synthetic straps. Timeless in appeal, these luxury watches are true reflection of royalty and class.

Next we move on to the newly introduced Longines Prima Luna collection. Designed using delicate lines, a soft-looking dial studded with diamonds, this watch collection is inspired by the brilliance and purity of the moon. These watches are sure to seduce the modern age women who look for sophisticated style.

For your sporting spirit there is the Conquest collection. This designer watch collection is the finest example of bold styling meeting daring technology. Flaunting a futuristic design, this series of Longines designer watches blends steel with ceramic so that you get a graceful and long-lasting timepiece. The Conquest collection has high technical precision to serve the needs of demanding sportsmen and women. A preferred luxury watch, it goes well with your party wear as well as sportswear.

If you believe in tradition try the La Grande Classique de series. Though with changing times Longines watches have evolved in aspects of design but the slim, sleek La Grande Classique de case profile remains unchanged. These designer watches still carry the old classic charm and elegance, which perfectly blend with modern trends of fashion.

Creating memorable timepieces since 1832 Longines is a Swiss brand based at St Imier, Switzerland. It is committed to making elegant designer watches both for the fashion as well as the sporting world. So go ahead gift yourself a Longines watch. It is the best way you can pamper yourself!

Longines Watches - The Insignia of Timeless Elegance

Bad Omega3 Pills and How to Avoid Them

As omega3 pills are one of the most popular and effective supplements on the market today, it comes as no surprise that the market is flooded with them, and the majority will be ineffective, overpriced and sometimes contain contaminants. Here's how to avoid them and find the very best.

Bad omega3 pills tend to be low in the main essential omega3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Recent research shows us that it is DHA that is responsible for most of the benefits and should be present in much higher amounts than EPA.

Look to be getting at least 250mg of DHA per capsule to get the many benefits including prevention of heart attacks, lower cholesterol and improved brain function and mental well-being, to name a few.

Recent research from the University of California shows great promise for omega3 pills to help in the fight against breast, colon and prostate cancer, while British researchers have found they can slow or halt AMD, or age related eye disease which affects many of the over 50's.

Poor quality fish, bad handling and incorrect storage all lead to stale or rancid oil. You can test the quality of a fish oil supplement by cutting one open and smelling, there should only be a faint ocean scent and nothing else.

You should never have any fishy burps or repeating with a good oil and in fact the one I personally take daily is guaranteed to be the purest on earth and no fishy burps - guaranteed!

On the purity side of things, it is vital that your chosen supplement has undergone molecular distillation to remove such impurities as mercury, lead and PCB's. These potentially harmful toxins exist in many bad supplements as it is an expensive process and cuts into profits.

The result of this process is concentrated pure omega3 pills with higher levels of omega3 to provide you with more benefits.

This process and the quality of a supplement does not mean only the most expensive are the best! In fact it's quite the opposite with many $40 a month bottles containing far less DHA and more contaminants than a bottles costing less than $20 a month, which is more the price you should be paying anyway.

Now you know about bad omega3 pills and how to avoid them, you can confidently choose the best quality ones and start enjoying the many incredible health benefits they provide.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

Bad Omega3 Pills and How to Avoid Them


Omega-3s: What Are They and Why Should You Care?

Have you heard of omega-3s? Probably. Today you see them everywhere on all kinds of food products advertising 'rich in omega-3s'. What are omega-3s anyway, and do you really need them? The answer to the second part of that question is, ABOLUTELY. But why do we hear about omega-3s all the time? The answer to that is because most people today don't get enough. Before I get into why that is, let's look at what they do.

Omega-3s are one type of polyunsaturated fat that are called 'essential fatty acids' that you must get from your diet or supplements because your body can not make them. Another type of essential fats are the omega-6s. What is very important is the ratio that you get between omega-3s and omega-6s. You really need to be eating these in about the same amounts for your body to function optimally.

This is because these two types of fats have opposing functions and compete with each other in many physiological processes. For example omega-6s lead to inflammatory reactions, needed to turn your immune system into high gear when it detects and infection and omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, needed to turn the immune response off when it's done. So these are kind of like the yin and yang of your physiology and must be kept in balance.

Unfortunately, today's western diet has about 15 to 30 times more omega-6s in it than omega-3s. This means that inflammatory processes can get out of check and this can aid the development of many different chronic degenerative diseases, like cardiovascular heart disease and some types of cancer. Many studies have also found that a deficiency in omega-3s can contribute to depression.

So why are our diets so out of whack when it comes to the omega-3 to omega-6 balance? It's really only been over the past 50 years or so that this has become a serious problem. We have simply stopped eating many of the foods that are high in omega-3s, like fatty fish and some nuts and started eating more foods high in omega-6s like corn oil. In fact many of the processed foods that we eat are extremely high in omega-6s and lacking omega-3s.

Many researchers, including me, believe that this is an underlying factor in the increased rates of several chronic degenerative diseases that we see so prevalent today. This is why foods that are high in omega-3s advertise it. The manufacturers know that we are lacking in them and that we need to eat more omega-3 rich foods.

There are really two kinds of omega-3s that are useful to the body. One kind you can get from plants, especially flaxseed oil and walnuts, and the other kind you can get from animals, especially fish (mackerel is the highest). You can also get either of these from supplements, usually a fish oil extract capsule.

The one thing that you need to monitor when getting your omega-3s from fish or fish oil capsules is the amount of heavy metal contamination (like mercury) that you are also ingesting. Various studies have shown different safe levels of fish and some types of fish are higher in mercury than others. There are many good articles out there that you can read on this subject. When it comes to fish oil capsules you need to make sure that the manufacturer uses a purification process that guarantees removal of heavy metals. Don't just take cheap fish oil capsules without doing some homework on this.

So that's the bottom line on omega-3s. Yes, they are extremely important and you should be proactive at trying to get more of them. If you just go with the flow in western society you will likely get way too much of the inflammatory omega-6s and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3s and that can cause problems if left unchecked for long periods of time.

Copyright 2006 Genesan3

Omega-3s: What Are They and Why Should You Care?

Omega 3 Benefits and Best Omega 3 Sources

Omega 3 benefits are wide-ranging and proven by clinical studies. Understanding the best Omega 3 sources means you can include more of these healthy foods in your daily meal planning. From heart health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health.

What are Omega 3's and what are the best Omega 3 sources? The Omega 3 essesential fatty acids (EFA's) are polyunsaturated fats or the so-called "good fats". These desirable fats cannot be made by the human body, so they must be obtained from foods or supplemental sources. These fats are required for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerve tissue in humans. Clinical studies show that Omega 3 benefits come primarily from DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

The best Omega 3 sources are animal foods, not plant sources. For example, flaxseed is a source, but the body must convert the flax oil Omega 3 into DHA and EPA. This can be difficult for unhealthy or elderly persons. Three of the top Omega 3 sources are cold-water fish oil, grass-fed red meat and natural eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements.

Here are Omega 3 benefits proven by clinical studies:

1. Improves Heart Health - fish oil and Omega 3 benefits include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart-related sudden death and lowering unhealthy triglyceride levels. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish a week for healthy persons and one serving per day of fish or fish oil supplement containing at least 900mg of fish oil for persons with heart disease.

2. Improves Mood - persons suffering from mood disorders such as depression benefit from fish oil supplementation and Omega 3. The lack of omega 3 fatty acids (DHA) has been linked by researchers to depression.

3. Reduces Risk of Developing Altzheimer's Disease - clinical studies suggest that fish oil and DHA may protect the nervous system in humans.

4. Improves Memory and Brain Function - DHA and fish oil have been proven to stimulate memory and the ability to learn. Research has shown that mothers who take supplemental DHA during their pregnancy and lactation may increase their baby's IQ.

5. Reduces Allergies - fish oil protects against the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, asthma, certain food allergies and allergic skin conditions like hives and eczema.

6. Reduces Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms - Omega 3 benefits come from the EPA and DHA in fish oil that reduce the amount of compounds causing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis.

7. Improves Eye Health - consuming fish oil is related to lowered risk of developing age related macular degeneration, an increasing common eye disease in people over 50.

8. Reduces PMS Symptoms in Women - Omega 3 is converted into substances called 'prostaglandins type-3' that control contractions of the uterus, which cause the cramping.

9. Improves Skin and Hair Health - fish oil helps protect the skin against damage from UV exposure, and skin disorders such as psoriasis can consider fish oil supplenentation a treatment option.

10. Lowers Cancer Risk - studies on Omega 3 benefits have linked lowered risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer to the consumption of fish oil.

Besides adding cold-water fish to meal planning, an easy way to enjoy Omega 3 benefits is by adding fish oil supplementation to your diet. Protect yourself from health problems related to the lack of the essential fatty acids DHA and EFA. The best of the Omega 3 sources is high-quality fish oil. However, it must be pure and totally free from contaminants. Read as much as you can about even more fish oil benefits that provide an amazing array of health benefits.

Copyright 2005 Infosearch Publishing

Omega 3 Benefits and Best Omega 3 Sources

Truth About Omega 3

Since Dr Basant Puri, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, released his findings on Omega 3 and its effect on brain function and depression, many studies have been performed regarding the beneficial effects of this fatty acid. Studies over the past two years have consistently confirmed that Omega 3, a substance lacking in today's "diet" is a key component in the brain's development and proper functioning.

The notion that Omega 3 was linked to depression and other mental illnesses came about based on studies conducted at Harvard University in 1999 on people with bipolar and a 1996 study by the Journal of the American Medical Association studying the prevalence of depression across ten countries. The Harvard study found that fish oil was an effective treatment for bipolar. The study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association was expanded upon in 1998 when it was discovered that depression was lower in countries that consumed higher levels of fish.

Omega 3 As Part Of A Healthy Diet

Omega 3 is a substance found most commonly in fatty fish such as fresh salmon, tuna, mackerel, pilchards and sardines. Over the last 100 years the western diet has shifted radically to include far less fish and thus the Omega 3 fatty acid. During the same time depression is estimated to have increased up to 100 fold.

To maintain ideal health, the average person should consume five grams daily of essential fatty acids (divided between Omega 3 and Omega 6). As this is not likely to change at any point in the near future some recommendations have been laid out for those who choose to take Omega 3 supplements. These recommendations will be listed further below in the section titled, "Omega 3 Supplements".

Omega 3 And The Brain

While the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids can be noticed on many levels, the biggest breakthroughs documented have occurred in improved mental functions and health. Omega 3 has been reported to be effective in the treatment of depression. Numerous studies have indicated that during double-blind tests, patients suffering from depression who take Omega 3 over a placebo report significant benefits.

Similar results have been reported in the treatment of bipolar and schizophrenia. There are theories that Omega 3 could be used to treat other mental conditions such as attention deficit disorder, borderline personality disorder, dyslexia and cognitive impairment however at the time of this writing these beliefs are unsubstantiated by anything more than preliminary data.

Omega 3 And The Body

The main reported benefits of Omega 3 for the body occur in the heart. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice per week in order to reduce the likelihood of heart disease.

While research is still ongoing into the effects of these fatty acids on the heart, research to date has shown that they:

o decrease risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death

o decrease triglyceride levels

o decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque

o lower blood pressure (slightly)

Additionally, Omega 3 has been reported effective as an anti-inflammatory. And according to an article by Judith Horstman for Arthritis Today, "There's strong evidence that fish oil supplements with omega-3 fatty acids can ease rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms, help prevent Raynaud's syndrome spasms and possibly relieve some lupus symptoms.

There is some limited evidence that the reduction in Omega 3 in the average western diet can be a contributing factor to the rise in:

o asthma

o chronic fatigue syndrome

o cystic fibrosis

o osteoporosis

o prostate cancer

Omega 3 Supplements

Any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you that the best way to get any nutrient is to go right to the source and eat it through the foods they originate. In the case of Omega 3 this would most likely be in the form of fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil. That said, this is not always possible given the average westerner's diet and lifestyle. Additionally, for those suffering from sever depression or using Omega 3 to combat an existing condition, the amount contained in the foods we eat may not provide enough of this fatty acid. If this is the case then it is important to know what you are looking for.

The supplement should be high in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA, along with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two active ingredients in Omega 3. EPA is considered to be the therapeutic element. It is thus important to purchase a supplement higher in EPA than DHA.

Additional Notes

Due to the recent developments and study of Omega 3 and all of its potential health benefits, the majority of studies and information on it are preliminary and based on smaller test groups. Additional research is underway and should provide additional insight into how it works and exactly what its role is in the brain's functioning and development.

Currently additional studies are ongoing into the roll of Omega 3 in brain and nerve regeneration, depression, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, neck and back pain, stress and an assortment of other mental and physical conditions.

Truth About Omega 3

Omega 3-6-9 Supplement - A Guide

The world is pretty confusing. Some experts are saying you need a particular omega family in your diet, others are saying that it's dangerous.

People are arguing over which fatty acids are better and what the best sources of omega 3 are. This article attempts to answer question as to whether or not you need an omega 3-6-9 supplement.


There is little to deny here. 90% of the population are deficient in omega-3, despite it being very important to our health.

DHA, an acid in omega-3, makes up 30% of our brain and contributes to its overall growth, development and function. Omega-3 also helps to reduce excess inflammation. So therefore we do need omega 3.


The fact of the matter is that we tend to get too much omega-6 in our diet. This is due to the kinds of processed, meaty food we eat.

We do need more omega-6 than omega-3, but we have too much more. This results in excess inflammation as omega-6 and omega-3 control inflammation together.


There is no problem with us getting omega-9s in our diet; they are plentiful. This is why omega-9 fatty acids are not considered to be "essential."

Our own body can produce omega-9 from unsaturated fat, so we do not need to supply it like we do with omega-3 and omega-6.


Our diet's present a problem to us. We are consuming way too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3.

This results in many inflammatory conditions like heart disease, cancers, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma and eczema. But to avoid these, should you use an omega 3-6-9 supplement?

My solution

Technically, yes. You can use an omega-3 supplement (these have traces of omega-6 and omega-9) which are rich in DHA and EPA.

This will restore the balance between omega-3 and omega-9 and prevent and ease inflammation problems.

So on a technicality you will use an omega 3-6-9 supplement, but really it is just an omega-3 supplement.

Omega 3-6-9 Supplement - A Guide

Christ Church and Heritage Center - Jerusalem

Visitors entering Christ Church expecting to see splendid representations of the evangelists and flamboyant illustrations of the Crucifixion are bound to be disappointed. Outwardly resembling a grand European synagogue more than a Christian house of worship, Christ Church was built from 1842-1849 by the London Society for the Promotion of Jews to Christianity for the specific purpose of drawing Jews into the Christian fold. Before that time simple proselytizing - and the promise of financial gain - had resulted in very few Jewish conversions, if any; the Protestant Bishopric in Jerusalem hoped that an attractive, accessible church might facilitate the cause.

It wasn't easy to build a new church in Jerusalem during the 1840's. The Turks allowed existing churches to operate but didn't permit new construction. Thus it was necessary to employ a stratagem: Christ Church was billed as a chapel for the British consul, and the sanctuary was annexed to his residence. Living quarters for the clergy were constructed around the courtyard.

At first, because the Moslems did not permit Christian use of a bell to call parishioners to worship, the church didn't even have a belfry. However after the Crimean War (1853-1856) had left the Turks in debt to the English, the London Society added a modest bell tower and dared to ring the bell for worship. Christ Church had the first bell - and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher followed suit. Soon bells began to ring at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Jerusalem's Russian Compound, and from that time on they could be heard all over Jerusalem.

Despite a typically Protestant lack of embellishment, Christ Church is a beautiful sanctuary. The design combines a touch of English beauty (rich, dark, wooden ceilings and tables) with Middle Eastern stone walls and medieval vaulted arches. While all of the original oak pews were removed to make room for more easily maneuverable wooden chairs, a few can be found along the sides of the church.

The church's only real decorations are a brilliantly colored tapestry and a stunning trio of stained-glass windows which face the entrance. Installed when the church was expanded in 1910, the middle window represents the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The words are in Hebrew and the dominant figure is either a tree or a vine which only vaguely looks like a cross.

Until 1996, the side windows held only plain glass panes and the result was rather flat. Since the addition of two splendid stained-glass windows in 1996, the church's apse has taken on a new look. All three windows are replete with symbols and biblical quotes from the Old and New Testaments. Each side window includes a play of branches. Interestingly, on one side the branches end in a Jewish menorah and on the other, in a cross.

There is one more stained-glass window in the church. You see it as you leave, towering above the entrance. Colorful and elaborate, it features a Star of David.

An unusual wooden screen covers most of the wall behind the communion table. Designed to remind onlookers of the Holy Ark which, in synagogues, contains the Five Books of Moses, it is divided into four panels. The Ten Commandments (in Hebrew) are written in the two middle panels; on either side are the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed - both in Hebrew script.

The communion table located near the middle of the church is even more unique. It is divided into three parts. On the left is the IHS, an ancient Christian symbol. In the middle, a crown tops the Star of David. The name Immanuel next to the symbol refers to the biblical phrase: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). The third symbol is an artistically worked Alpha and Omega: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelations 22:13).

Today there is one cross in the church, on the main table. It appeared in 1948, when the Old City of Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan. Worried that the new Arab rulers might mistake this sanctuary for a synagogue, they placed a cross on the table, and it remains there to this very day.

Across the path from the church stands a spanking new Heritage Center. Inside, the history of Christian Zionism in Jerusalem is displayed through historic documents and artifacts, medieval bibles, and contemporary models of the city. It also features a multi-colored 1864 depiction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with removable domes, and examine a model of the 19th-century Protestant Quarter. An added attraction: steps descend down into a 2,000-year-old water reservoir that leads to an ancient tunnel.

Christ Church and Heritage Center - Jerusalem

From Goldeneye to Casino Royale the Omega James Bond Watch is a Modern Classic

The Omega James Bond watch is really two different Omega Seamaster models depending upon which Bond you prefer. In 1995 Pierce Brosnan brought the Omega Seamaster to wrist of Bond in the movie Goldeneye. In 2006 Daniel Craig became the new James Bond in Casino Royale with a new Omega Seamaster on his wrist. For those true Bond enthusiasts, only the Omega James Bond watch will suffice.

Almost everyone has heard the phrase, "Bond, James Bond" along with the famous, "shaken, not stirred." And who hasn't enjoyed at least one of the Bond blockbuster movies throughout the decades? It seems that everyone has their opinion of which actor played the Bond character best. Some enjoyed Sean Connery as the ultimate, yet others prefer Roger Moore's bond. Timothy Dalton took the Bond moniker for a short while and then Pierce Brosnan led James Bond into the new millennium. Finally, Daniel Craig has taken the reigns as the new Bond.

Each actor brought his own style and charm to the Bond character, but for the majority of his years, Bond wore a Submariner. For thirty years, from the mid-sixties to the mid-nineties, Bond wore a Submariner watch, designed by another famous watch manufacturer. Not until 1995, with a new Bond actor in place, did the Omega James Bond watch enter the scene.

In 1995 Pierce Brosnan's Bond exploded onto movie theater screens sporting a mew, modern and elegant timepiece: the Omega Mens Seamaster 300M. With modern styling featuring stainless steel, a blue dialface instead of the more classic color choice of black, the new Omega James Bond watch proved that Brosnan's Bond character was stylish as well as classic.

The new Omega Seamaster watch was prominently featured in the movie Goldeneye, with a few brief moments in the beginning of the movie focused upon the change from the old Submariner to the new Omega Seamaster James Bond limited edition watch. Additionally, there were several TV commercials filmed to promote the new movie as well as the new Omega Seamaster watch. To top it off, Goldeneye was released as a brand new video game for the Nintendo 64 game system, and the Omega James Bond watch is featured as a main part of the game.

Until this point in fashion history, the popular Submariner had earned the title as the world's most famous and sought after timepiece. But with the new Omega James Bond watch being featured in a famous movie, video game, TV commercials and print ads, the days of the Submariner's supremecy as the most famous watch were coming to an end. Today, any Bond fan will tell you that you simply must own an Omega Seamaster 300M if you are at all serious as a Bond fan.

Omega has since become one of the most popular watch brands in the world. This is partly because the Omega Seamaster and the Omega Speedmaster are suberbly manufactured timepieces, and partly because of so many famous celebrities wearing the Omega watches in public.

From world famous actress Nicole Kidman, to world-renowned Olympic athlete Michael Phelps, the Omega watch is well represented. Famous astronaut Buzz Aldrin and United States President John F. Kennedy were both well known for wearing their favorite Omega watch in public. With the release of Goldeneye in 1995, the Omega James Bond watch established Omega watches as the world's premier timepiece.

However, in 2006 with the release of another blockbuster Bond movie and a new, younger, more muscular actor at the helm in Daniel Craig, Omega offered a style change for Mr. Bond. This time, the Omega James Bond watch would be an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M.

The Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M returns Mr. Bond to a classic black-face dial with stainless steel case material all around. The Omega Seamaster is much more similar to the Submariner in many aspects such as the classic, conservative styling. Some Bond fans would argue that the ultimate Bond character is not complete without his Omega Seamaster watch and his trusty Walther PPK pistol - the two essential gadgets of any Bond movie.

No matter which Bond actor or movie you prefer, and whether your prefer the Omega Seamaster 300M or the Omega Planet Ocean 600M, there's no denying that the Omega James Bond watch is certainly an elegant, stylish timepiece to be treasured and enjoyed for decades.

From Goldeneye to Casino Royale the Omega James Bond Watch is a Modern Classic

Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Are Important For Health

Omega 3 oils have been called "the miracle food of the 21st century". Many health professionals and health organizations, including the American Heart Association, agree that there are many nutritional health benefits that can be gained by taking Omega 3 fats. Numerous research studies have shown that omega 3 oils can help prevent heart disease, maintain optimum blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and provide relief for joint pain, migraines, depression, autoimmune diseases and other conditions.

Omega 3 fats are polyunsaturated fats that contain essential nutrients for our bodies. Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by our bodies and therefore must be obtained through our diet in either our food or by taking supplements. There are many different kinds of omega 3 fats, but the most important ones are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Flax seed and walnuts are excellent sources for ALA. Fish

oils are an excellent source for EPA and DHA.

Nutritionists have recognized the importance of balancing omega 3 fatty acids with omega 6 fatty acids in our diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are found primarily in oily cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. Omega 6 fatty acids are found primarily in rich foods such as margarine, cereals, whole-grain bread, baked goods and fried foods. Most people in the Western part of the world consume far more omega 6 fatty acids and the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is way out of balance. According to Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, there is mounting evidence proving that people with a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio have a 95% higher risk of developing colon cancer. This study took place in Shanghai China with 73,240 participants.

To improve our health we need to increase our omega 3 fatty acids and decrease our omega 6 fatty acids. We can increase our omega 3 fatty acids by eating more wild-caught salmon, albacore tuna, walnuts, flax seed and avocados. One of the drawbacks for eating fish is that they contain increasingly high levels of pollutants such as PCB's, lead and mercury. This condition exists because of industrial pollution which has accumulated in the streams, rivers and oceans around the world. Because most of the fish today is contaminated, it is probably better to increase your intake of fish oils by taking supplements. We can decrease our omega 6 fatty acids by eating less rich foods such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, processed foods and fast foods.

Benefits of Omega 3 fish oils

1. According to the American Heart Association, clinical trials have proven that omega 3 fish oils are effective in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks

and heart arrhythmias. Omega 3 fish oil lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Fish oils also help reduce the risk of blood clots in our arteries and improves blood circulation.

2. Recent studies have shown that taking Omega 3 supplements have resulted in improvement in brain functions including memory and thinking ability. Promising results are also being seen in lowering the risk of age related brain dysfunction like Alzheimer's and dementia. In addition, studies suggest a strong link between Omega 3 intake and lower levels of some mood disorders, particularly depression and bipolar disorders.

3. Omega 3 fish oils have anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in reducing inflammation in our blood and tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil supplements is helpful to those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.

4. Fish oils have been found to be beneficial for pregnant women because the DHA in the

fish oils helps in the development of the eyes and brain of the baby. It helps in avoiding premature births, low birth weights and miscarriages.

5. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high levels of triglycerides in the blood and lower levels of good cholesterol. Because Omega 3 fish oil lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) it reduces the risks associated with diabetes. The risks of death by heart attack for diabetes sufferers are around 6 times higher than they are for the general population.

6. Macular degeneration is an age related condition that can lead to total blindness in older age. To date there is no treatment for this condition. Recent studies have shown that omega

3 fish oils reduced the risk of macular degeneration in the aged.

7. Omega 3 fish oils help in improving the condition of poor and dry skin by making it shinny and glowing. Our skin tends to lose natural oils all of the time and fish oil supplements help replace these natural oils and improves the appearance of the skin. Many skin conditions can be helped by taking Omega 3 supplements including eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry skin and flaking skin.

8. Fish oil helps maintain good hair luster. Omega 3 has hair growing properties that provide nourishment to the hair follicles. It therefore aids in faster development of hair and helps prevent hair loss.

Given all of these impressive health benefits I find it hard to believe why one would not take omega 3 fish oils. So the first question is what is the best brand? After doing extensive research on different brands, I found that Nordic Naturals was the highest quality omega 3 fish oil on the market. This brand was recommended by several doctors and two different consumer reports agencies performed a series of tests on different fish oil brands and found that Nordic Naturals had the highest scores. The second question is how much omega 3 fish oil do I need to take? For safety purposes, the FDA recommends no more than 3 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. I use Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega product which contains significantly more EPA and DHA per capsule. For this particular product you only need to take 2 capsules per day.

Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Are Important For Health

Longines 120th Anniversary Retrograde Watch

Longines 120th anniversary Retrograde watch, as the name suggests, is part of the Longines' celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Longines logo. And the 120 anniversary Retrograde is limited to 120 pieces with each individually numbered.

Judging from appearance, this Longines 120 anniversary Retrograde watch (hereinafter refers to as Longines 120) is part of the master collection as it has many in common with the Longines L2.716.8.78.3 and L2.717.8.78.3(hereinafter refer to as L2 watches) -the latest models in this well-received collection. They have the same case structure and the same layout of the dial. But still there are some differences: Longines 120 has Roman numerals and beautiful smooth dial(while L2 watches feature Arabic numerals and "barleycorn" pattern on the dial, ), and has the winged hourglass, part of Longines trademark, removed from the dial and engraved in the case back, leaving the name of Longines there. When it comes to the case back, Longines 120 has other elegant engravings to show the theme of this watch, while L2 watches sapphire crystal display case back.

Thanks to the highly complex automatic movement that features 28,800 vph frequency and 46-hour pour reserve, the dial has three retrograde hands that indicate day at 12, date on the right side and 24 hour second time zone at left hand. Besides, the dial displays central hours, minutes and power reserve indicator at 6 o'clock.

Sized at 44mm, the rose gold case receives refined finished and is fitted with scratch-resistant sapphire crystal and an alligator strap with triple deployment clasp. Longines 120 is water resistant to 30 meters.

Longines 120th Anniversary Retrograde Watch

Why Fine Watches Are Better Than Smart Phones

With the rise of iPhones, iPads, Blackberries, laptop computers and other electronic devices, some people are predicting that fine watches will fall out of fashion. Sure, your iPhone phone can tell you the time, and also allow you to surf the web, listen to music, check your email and take phones, but does it also look amazing on your wrist and allow you to check the time instantly without pressing a button or fumbling around in your pocket? Luxury watches can do things than electronic devices can't. Here are four reasons why fine watches are better than iPhones when you need to know the time.

1. Watches look good - It's no secret that fine watches are a fashion statement, just like a dress, a pair of shoes, a necklace or a tie. Fine watches can complement any outfit - if you're off to the opera, a Philip Stein watch paired with your long black dress will look sophisticated and stylish. If you're off to a picnic, a Quartz watch paired with your short shorts and stripy tank and Birkenstocks is cool and casual. You can't exactly strap your smart phone to your wrist and make it look good, can you?

2. Watches save you time - Ok, so maybe it's true that you can check the time on your smart phone by just pressing a button to light up your screen. But how many times have you had to fumble around in the scary depths of your purse or turned your apartment upside down searching for your iPhone? The great thing about the humble watch is that it's always there when you need it; you can tell the time in an instant, which is perfect for when you're on the run, at work, or pushing your cart around in the grocery store.

3. Watches are practical - Sporty watches are equipped with advanced systems like stopwatch functions, heart rate monitors and altitude gauges, so they're a must for any serious hiker, runner, cyclist, athlete or outdoorsy person. Let's face it, when you're running or cycling, it's a bit impractical to whip out your smart phone when you want to check your speed. You want don't want to waste precious energy! And you can't exactly take your iPhone under water when you're swimming or snorkeling. When you're exercising or training, a watch remains the best way to tell the time.

4. Watches are historical - Yes, smart phone technology is making history: ten years ago, most of us wouldn't have dreamed of writing emails while sitting in the cab or on a train. But fine watches have a much longer history, so when you wear a watch, you're flaunting a centuries-old invention. The first timepieces to be worn date back to 16th century Europe, and they were usually worn on a chain around the neck. Fine watches have come a long way since then, but their beauty, elegance and sheer practicality remains.

Why Fine Watches Are Better Than Smart Phones

Diamond Watch Auction - Why Buy Diamond Watches From Online Auctions

A Diamond is forever and a diamond watch is for a lifetime! A diamond watch is not just a luxury timepiece but is a perfect statement of style, value and sentiment. There was a time when you had to look for a diamond watch and affordability was an important question but things have changed considerably today.

With the advent of the internet, finding a diamond watches is easier and buying one is affordable. The internet has opened different avenues for e-commerce, which brings up the much debated significance of online auctions. Online auction is one of the most effective ways of selling rare jewelry, watches and other items. The underlying significance of an online auction is that it makes it easier for people to find rare and expensive items in a wider range and at an affordable price.

The entire concept behind a jewelry auction is to promote jewelry but the bigger picture boils down to just one thing: you have a higher chance of getting the watch or jewelry you have desired for a long time at your price. The main aim of an online watch auction is to bring to you authenticated timepieces from different brands globally to one place. So an online auction becomes a one stop shop. At an online auction, you will find some of the most exquisite timepieces with intricate designs, studded with diamonds finding which at a watch store might be difficult.

Some of the brands with their top of the line diamond watches or other jewelry watches are made available through an online action. Some of the brands that you will see occasionally at a watch auction include Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Longines, Breitling, Movado, Baume & Mercier, Bulova, Ebel, Omega, Hublot, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Maurice Lacroix, Bulgari, and Girard-Perregaux. These are not just top brands but have been timekeepers for more than a couple of decades.

You may have your eyes on a specific model by Jaeger-LeCoultre or Movado and it is probably unavailable at the numerous watch stores across your state or area. But you want the watch, so what are your options? The best option is a watch auction where you have a higher probability of finding your chosen watch model. A watch auction is an evolved market place where you can bid on a single watch or numerous watches and get to buy them for a price tag, which would otherwise be impossible to get at a local watch store. This is the single biggest advantage of a diamond watch auction.

At an online auction, you can find a Benny & Co men's diamond watch with a price tag of $6400 for just half the price and hence auctions are the perfect statement for affordability. If you have been dreaming about a specific 2.6 ct., white and yellow diamond studded chronograph watch with ice dial and leather strap then you don't have to look too far!

Diamond Watch Auction - Why Buy Diamond Watches From Online Auctions

Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch - The Token of Excellent Taste

As a splendid infusion of the 1930's orderly lines and the 1950's sportful, spectacular style, the DolceVita collection of watches are alluring to women of all age groups. The timeless design is deeply endorsed by 1950s stars all the way to today's celebrities. La DolceVita truly does embody the spirits behind the design of the watch by Longines.

The rectangular shaped case is embellished with glittering diamonds, while the octagonal shaped crown is known for its unique feature. A large portion of the watches in the DolceVita collection consist of a quartz movement, either the L178 or L963, each with an accuracy of -18/+18 sec./month. The L178 movement is adorned by 11 jewels and is powered by a battery life of 18/29 months, while the L963 comes with only 5 jewels yet a battery life of 29 months. In addition, some watches from the Longines DolceVita collection are powered by self-winding mechanical movements, which inherits the brand's past experience of manufacturing watches by hand.

The watch face is available in different variations, including a straightforward black face with Arabic numerals placed at 12 o'clock, a white dial with graceful hour markers, a pink mother of pearl face, etc.

The stainless steel case is quite prevalent in the Longines DolceVita watch apart from one model that comes with gold case and gold strap. Each watch comes with scratch resistant abilities and water resistant abilities to more than 30 meters. The Longines DolceVita is a great selection for those women who desire watches characterized both by sleek modern lines and classic styles.

Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch - The Token of Excellent Taste

What Makes a Collectible Watch Valuable?

The practice of collecting watches for a hobby and for investment purposes has become very popular in the last 40 years. The major catalyst for this activity, was the formation of a watch auction marketplace called "Antiquorum". Originally set up in Geneva, they now have offices in New York and Hong Kong.

They have established several record sales in recent years including.

A 1939 platinum Patek Phillippe watch for US$4,026,524 in 2002

In 2005 they ran a "thematic" auction for the Vacheron Constantin brand which reached a total sales value of US$15,000,000.

These world beating auction records ignited a passion amongst collecters who stared digging around in their closets, and other peoples closets, to find old mechanical wristwatches. Such has been the interest in this type of sale that values have continued to climb especially for rare and limited edition watches. All the big names are represented and it could be said that such interest has attracted many corporates to the business of owning and selling watchmaking companies. Many of the big brand companies being sold to the global corporations much like any other bouyant business activity.

The price of anything sold at auction is determined by the buyers of course. In recent years a number of bidding wars have broken out for big name watches. Determined bidders have fought tooth and nail to secure product that will complete or enhance their existing collections.

One sure fire way to double the price you get at a watch auction is to provide all the original packaging, sales documentation and of course have the watch in top condition with the original strap.

As with all "antiques" the provenance of a watch can add substantially to its value. Keeping a detailed record of previous owners can be useful. A watch owned by the President of the United States, the Queen of England or other such notable celebrities can have a huge bearing on the value of a watch too.

As an example of this, Albert Einstein's Longines watch, was sold at auction in 2008, for US$596,000.

Mahatma Ghandi's Zenith pocket watch, along with his glasses, sandals and a bowl, sold in March 2009 for US $2,096,000!! Not bad for a man who led a humble life.

So next time you are clearing out the vault, check for any mechanical watches. If you are very lucky, you may find the diamond watch you gave to your Ex on their 30th birthday... although to be real, that's probably long gone!

What Makes a Collectible Watch Valuable?

The Classic Elegance of the Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch

The Longines DolceVita wristwatch is a truly elegant ladies wristwatch, designed along class lines, thereby giving it a timeless beauty. The DolceVita ladies watch is for those who desire the best that Swiss manufacturing techniques and design but at an affordable price.

The DolceVita collection of watches by Longines is inspired by the neat, trim lines of the 1930s with the heady, glamorous style of the 1950s. The design of the DolceVita wristwatch is a stylish synthesis of the two forms into a beautiful ladies watch. The style of the ladies DolceVita by Longines is timeless; a timepiece that could have been worn by 1950s film stars through to today's screen idols. La Dolce Vita - the Sweet Life - certainly does sum up the ethos behind the design of the DolceVita ladies watch by Longines.

The casing of the Longines DolceVita is of a rectangular shape. Nearly all the casings in the DolceVita collection are adorned with diamonds. The octagonal shaped crown adds distinction. Most comprise a quartz movement, either the L178 or L963 from Longines both of which have an accuracy of -18/+18 sec./month. The L178 movement has 11 jewels and a battery life of 18/29 months: the L963 has 5 jewels and a batter life of 29 months. However, Longines hasn't forgotten its past of hand manufactured watches and so a number of Longines DolceVita cases house a fine self-winding mechanical movement - providing the time of day and the date

There is a choice of faces in the DolceVita collection. You can choose a simple black face with Arab numerals positioned at 12 o'clock or positioned on every quarter hour. Or, you choose a white dial with very elegant hour markers. There is also a DolceVita with a pink mother-of-pearl face. Each watch in the Longines Dolce Vita comes with subdial for the seconds at 6 o'clock position.

The case of the Longines DolceVita watch is stainless - although one model does offer a gold case with matching gold strap. All watches come with scratch-resistant, sapphire crystal and are water resistant to a depth of 30 meters.

The strap of the DolceVita is either a linked stainless steel strap or a lacquered leather strap in black or white - the white strap combined with the simple white face and diamond adorned stainless steel case is particular feminine.

For those who want a Swiss ladies watch that combines sleek contemporary lines with a timeless glamour, the Longines DolceVita is a perfect choice. This watch is definitely for those who appreciate Swiss quality wristwatches that are sophisticated and urbane.

The Classic Elegance of the Longines DolceVita Ladies Watch

Longines - A History With Distinction

Based in Saint-Imier since 1832, Longines has a long and prestigious history. The story begins with Auguste Agassiz getting a job in Saint-Imier as a trader of watch parts. At that time it was common practice for blank components to be sent out to craftsmen who worked at home. He eventually took over the business, but it wasn't until his entrepreneur nephew Ernest Francillon joined the company that Longines really started. Ernest's big idea was to gather the makers of all these components together under one roof, and so in 1866 he purchased land at Les Longines, or 'long and narrow fields' in the local dialect. By 1867 he had convinced an assortment of piecemakers to work in the new factory, and their first in house movement was produced, along with the Longines name, and winged hourglass logo to defend against counterfeits. This logo would be registered as a trademark in 1880, the oldest watch brand logo in existence.

From the start the Longines brand received commendations and awards, Francillon returning from the Paris World Fair in 1867 with a bronze medallion for the watch. Right until 1929, Longines could claim the title 'Leading Prize Winner' at the World fairs, and their premises were continually being upgraded to allow better facilities. By 1911 the company employed over 1100 people, and was selling its watches worldwide.

The company gradually built up a close relationship with sporting events, and timed the Olympic Games fourteen times. They also built strong connections with skiing and equestrian events, as these best reflected their company motto: 'Elegance is an attitude'. They have timed 31 Tours de France, over a hundred Show Jumping competitions in Europe and North America, and is the official Timekeeper at the Roland Garros Tennis grand Slam Tournament,.

But Longines isn't a sports watch brand. The company have also provided watches to the International Aeronautics Federation, becoming their official supplier in 1919. Charles Lindbergh set off on his first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic with a Longines on board, timing the crossing at 33hours and 30 minutes. Longines watches were also worn by Amelia Earhart, and in the 1930s it was Longines who patented the Flyback Chronograph.

Because of their early expansion, Longines watches have been widely sold, with the company producing their 30millionth watch in 2001. Of course, with 30 million Longines out there, there's no reason you should miss out. Watchfinder has a wide variety of pre owned Longines watches on its site for very reasonable prices, and the company has never compromised its motto. All Longines are an example of elegance, be they classical or contemporary in their design.

One of the latest Longines watches has a more classical look, and although it is a chronograph, the new Column Wheel Chronograph follows their motto to the letter. With a stainless steel case and black crocodile strap, it is elegant and sophisticated; a watch for the Longines connoisseur.

Longines - A History With Distinction